Saturday, February 6, 2010

Call for Sunday Feb 7th, Mon Feb 8th and Thurs Feb 11th

Sunday we are reviewing music and choreography. All cast. Monday we are going to run scenes 1-3. That includes music, choreography and lines. Everyone needs to be there. Thursday we are running scenes 4 and 5. Again, that includes all music, choreography and lines. This will include the entire cast again. We will not have rehearsals Sunday Feb 14th and Monday Feb 15th due to the schools scheduled Mid-Winter break. Thursday Feb 18th however, we are running scenes 6 and 7. You will all need to be there. I will be posting the last schedule for the remaining rehearsals on Sunday. From there on out the entire cast will need to be at all rehearsals unless excused by Joanne or myself.

1 comment:

  1. شكرا ، أنا أن تبقي في الاعتبار.
